Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I found Brielle's TWIN!!

Brielle -1
Enna - 2 w/ her Grandma Barbara

Back of Brielle's Head w/ the beautiful curls!!

Top of Enna's Head w/ her beautiful curls!!

Both girl's birthdays are in September.

Brielle is perplexed...wondering if she is looking in a mirror!?!

Both girls are tall for their age.

Enna will be 3 mid-September and Brielle will be 2 the end of September.

There is actually no blood relation between these two girls...Enna is a daughter to my cousin Barbara's (in pic) step-son. (My Aunt Marci, my namesake, is behind the girls)

More T-Ball


Matthew played T-ball this year for the first time. We signed him up with the city league...he isn't quite old enough (just turning 4) but we snuck him in anyway since Uncle Corey was willing to coach him.

The first day proved to be the challenge - he kept running around where he shouldn't be and when they tried to get him to run the bases he just layed on the ground at second base!! Case in point that you should wait until your kids are old enough to be on the team!! :) We enjoyed watching him learn and Brandon was a GREAT help. I don't think he would have lasted without Brandon's help. BIG BROTHERS ARE AWESOME!!