Brielle turned 1-year old on Monday, September 22! We had a party for her on Sunday night...It took her a while to get into the cake, and once she did; she didn't want to stop. Her favorite birthday gift was a new baby doll! She is now 30 1/2 inches tall (still off the chart) and weighs 24 pounds (75 percentile). She still doesn't have much hair to do anything with yet, and is starting to be busier than ever. She is starting to walk and will initiate walking on her own. About the most steps she's ever taken at once is about 10 little baby steps!! She is the master of climbing though...she can climb up on my 5-gallon buckets (used for food storage)in the kitchen and stand up next to the kitchen counter. As well, she can climb upon the couches...we'll need to move the large couch away from the stairwell soon!